Infused Garlic Compound Butter Recipe - LEVO Oil Infusion, Inc.
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Infused Garlic Compound Butter Recipe

Whether served with lobster tails or sprayed over fresh popcorn, garlic compound butter makes any dish even more flavorful and satisfying.

This recipe for herb-infused garlic compound butter contains many antioxidants and terpenes to boost your health. It’s delicious and nutritious, so don’t feel guilty about buttering up a baked potato or warm bread fresh out of the oven.

This recipe gives you the basic building block for infused cooking, so you can use garlic compound butter in sauces, casseroles, and so much more.


Why Should I Use Garlic Compound Butter?

The herbs in this infused ingredient make the flavor unbelievable. Butter is always great on its own but combined with rich garlic and herbs, these additions intensify even the most basic recipe. Using butter with a higher fat content is best to absorb the herbs in ways that make the butter more savory and potent in flavor.


Benefits of Infused Butter

Infused butter will enhance the flavors of this dish and provide some therapeutic benefits. The terpenes contain compounds that are responsible for creating aroma, taste, and using medicinal flower will provide psychoactive effects. By choosing your favorite flower or shake strain to decarb and infuse, you can create a butter that’s rich in humulene, farnesene, or beta-caryophyllene.


What Ingredients Do I Need to Make Infused Garlic Compound Butter?

The herbs and ingredients in this recipe offer many beneficial properties. Scallion and parsley both have high amounts of Vitamin K, which protect against blood clots and promote bone health, and Vitamin C, which protects cells from damage. Vitamin C also reduces the chance of heart disease and diabetes.

Lemon offers a range of health benefits such as maintaining weight control, kidney health, and digestive functioning. The terpene limonene is found in the peels of lemon, so you might want to choose a flower strain high in limonene to accentuate the lemon in the butter recipe. Certain strains high in limonene will pair nicely with the zesty lemon hint and scallions' clean, crisp taste.

Garlic is a superfood due to its potent antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It boosts immunity and contributes to skin health. You can reduce or increase the amount of garlic in this recipe. A moderate amount of garlic is all you need to get the benefits, but make sure you adjust the amount to your liking, so you enjoy its fantastic taste.


How Do I Prepare Infused Butter?

Activating, or decarbing, the raw flower must take place before you start the recipe.

A LÄ’VO II or LÄ’VO C home infuser allows you to select the most efficient settings for activating and infusing the botanicals. The Activate setting optimizes the potency and potential therapeutic effects of the plant you're using, as well as your chosen carrier oil.

After Activating flower with your machine’s specifications, infuse butter using LĒVO at 165°F for 3-6 hours. Some people like to infuse at 150° for 10 hours - it’s up to you!


Note: If you don’t have a LEVO yet (and why not?) but still want to make this useful and versatile recipe, you can find those instructions here.


How Do I Use Garlic Compound Butter?

You can use garlic compound butter in so many ways. Enjoy it as a spread for bagels, toast, or muffins. You can also fry vegetables in the garden-fresh herb infused butter to enhance flavoring. Adding it to pasta cream sauces and omelet creations is also a delicious choice. You can even make savory biscuits by adding it to the dough.

Having a jar of this infused butter in your refrigerator is a great idea to elevate countless dishes whenever you like. Just make sure to date and label it. Enjoy!


The worlds first patented oil infuser that lightly dries herbs fresh from your garden, activates their maximum potency, and infuses them into just about anything. Great for daily, small batch, artisanal infusions.



Experience infüsionwith our most elegant, intelligent machine yet: LĒVO LUX. Artfully infuse any herb, spice, fruit, coffee bean, & more into oils, butters, and honeys to create Michelin Star-quality meals.

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LÄ’VO C is the first large batch infusing solution that is dishwasher safe, has a built-in activation cycle for maximum potency. Perfect for making large 1 liter batches for high frequency users and small businesses.


LÄ’VO oil and butter infusers streamline the oil and butter infusion process, reduce mess, and minimize the smell of decarbing & infusing flower thanks to patented technology. With the ability to decarboxylate + infuse all-in-one machine,LÄ’VO is the only oil infuser of its kind.

LÄ’VO oil and butter infusers streamline the oil and butter infusion process, reduce mess, and minimize the smell of decarbing & infusing flower thanks to patented technology. With the ability to decarboxylate + infuse all-in-one machine,LÄ’VO is the only oil infuser of its kind.

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